The finishing touches
Barossa Valley Hire offers an extensive range of plant and equipment specifically catering to the needs of government, local industry, business and the community. Our organisation is committed to delivering ‘above and beyond’ customer expectations, especially value-added services such as operational training by our accredited staff and 24/7 onsite servicing. All customers always receive great value from their hired equipment.
The company is based in South Australia’s beautiful Barossa Valley, which is also home to directors, Mark and Patricia Burtonand their family. Our head office is at 59 Barossa Valley Way, (known locally as Tanunda Road) with offsite storage at 2-4 Barossa Valley Way, Nuriootpa. You can view a map of our location here.
Mark and Patricia purchased the business in 1994, forming the company Trimark Enterprises Pty Ltd. They now operate two successful businesses, Barossa Valley Hire and Barossa Function Hire. Our original goal was to establish a successful, family owned business to meet the needs of local industry, with a loyal and talented team providing exceptional customer service.
20 years later we have exceeded our own expectations, as well as those of the local business community, who now rely on Barossa Valley Hire to ‘get the job done’.
– Mark and Trish Burton